Active sky xp plane really bouncy
Active sky xp plane really bouncy

active sky xp plane really bouncy

While there are rumors floating around the flight sim community that Lockheed Martin is looking into utilizing the Unreal Engine for a future release, the same more than a decade old problem is still a possible concern. Some MSFS users are still flying P3D at this time due to the lack of long-haul, widebody aircraft which I discussed back in November 2022 in my reader question response for “ Where are the widebodies?” But the continued rise in popularity of MSFS and the subsequent decline of P3D certainly can’t be ignored. Of course I realize not all flight sim users participated in the survey and certainly not all P3D users participated. These results show a continued downward trend with the use of P3D and a continued rise with MSFS. Just to show a comparison, I’ve posted screenshots from both the 2021 and the most recent 2022 survey. The 2022 version of the survey included 67 questions ranging from VR Headsets, graphic cards and of course which flight simulator platform is most popular. This year over 25,000 of your fellow flight sim enthusiasts participated in the survey (up by over 1,000 from the 2021 survey). After all, many of the top 3rd party developers have all but stopped creating add-ons for P3D and have moved to Microsoft Flight Simulator. Good things come to those who wait.I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! The annual Navigraph flight sim survey results were released just before the holidays and the survey says….P3D is dead! In all honesty, I’m not surprised. Also, a gigantic body of knowledge has built up now, so despite the included documentation being somewhat paltry, most of my questions so far have been easily answered by either a forum search or a youtube vid, making coming up to speed fairly painless. I found the control set up very straight forward, despite having read earlier horror stories about Saitek throttles and reverse prop and things. There are some unexpected perks too, that I wasn't aware of, like the highly customizable sound, which supports all conceivable speaker configurations-I wish all developers would take a page from that book. My impression is that the plane is quite tight now. Most of these issues appear to be a thing of the past, as far as I can tell. That and a few other questions about compatibilities. Yes, this was one of my primary reasons for waiting as long as I did, too. I'd passed on this airplane when it came out that it didn't have turbulence.

Active sky xp plane really bouncy